Top Publications, Ltd.

Dee Ann Palmer



    LAndmarked for Murder

Marathon Madness by Dee Ann Palmer


Trade Paperback * ISBN 978-1-929976-37-2

242 Pages, $14.95


There is far more to the city of Los Angeles than can be discovered through the ordinary guide books, much of it dark, dangerous, even deadly. To find those hidden, shadowy corners of the L.A., wherein reside the LAndmarked for Murder, the new anthology by members of Sisters in Crime/Los Angeles. LAndmarked for Murder is a fictional travelogue through some of L.A. most notable natural and manmade landmarks, each of which serves as the setting for ten tales of dark passions and murder.

Dee Ann Palmer

Dee Ann Palmer ("Marathon Madness") is a native Texan transplanted to Southern California. She has a bachelor of science in nursing and a master of arts in health education and administration. Her latest book, Cry of the Bells, is an historical romantic suspense. She credits tips from a panel in SinC/LA's 2003 No Crime Unpublished conference with finding a publisher for it. She's sold over sixty shorter pieces, and contributed to Mean Girls Grown Up, a 2005 book about female relational aggression by Cheryl Dellasega, Ph.D. A runner, Dee Ann has competed in six marathons and a hundred shorter races.